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Mail to: Barry Lee・22501 Chase #15212, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 I Phone: 516-510-3803 I Email: The OriginalCheapAdAgency.com@gmail.com
WHERE DO WE START? We’ll have an initial phone conversation, partially to get to know one another, and partially to talk about what your project is all about. We’ll discuss demographics and other objectives, chit-chat about all sorts of relevant and irrelevant things, establish a friendly rapport and a mutually comfortable delivery date. We’ll also determine a “proof” date that gives you time to comfortably correct any spelling or grammatical errors or errors in product information before the final project’s delivery date. Once you feel certain that I fully understand what you’re looking for, you make a full payment at the agreed upon price through Pay Pal, and I’ll immediately commence work on your project.
IN A NUTSHELL, WHAT CAN I EXPECT NEXT? Radio & TV: Once you approve the script and have approved the talent for your radio or TV spot, the actual production will begin. This is a multi-step process that will be fully explained to you when we have our initial conversation and before you ever make payment. Print ads, brochures, mailing pieces, etc: Basically, once I complete the copy and design phase of your print project, I’ll email you a low-res, .pdf version as an early proof. When I have made all the changes you require and received your final approval, I will send a final, hi-res .pdf file to you or your publication. In the cases where I am responsible for your printing, I will send the hi-res file directly to the printer and your printed job will be drop shipped directly to you. Web Pages: This is also a multi-stage process that’s easier to explain during our initial conversation. Rest assured that it will involve the approval of all copy and design and your ability to see a private, working model of your site before ever going public. Logos and Stationery: You’ll always get 3 choices from which to choose and I’ll make alterations until you’re satisfied. I’ll supply you with a hi-res .pdf file suitable for printing at all levels. If you require an .eps or .jpg file for a special use, I’ll supply that also at no additional charge. Reminder: You make no payments until you fully understand how everything works.
HOW LONG DOES EVERYTHING TAKE? I ask that you plan your deadlines to give mes 7 working days to complete your print project, about the same for 3-page websites and 14 working days to complete broadcast projects. If I require more or less time, I’ll discuss that with you during our initial telephone conversation.
WHAT ELSE IS IMPORTANT FOR ME TO KNOW? I execute all my print work in Adobe Illustrator and create my broadcast spots on all state-of-the art digital equipment in a professional, modern facility. As is the accepted standard in the industry, you are paying for the final print or broadcast file, not the original file for anything I do. The original file or master is owned by me and remains in my possession. Also, any person working on your project is a proven professional in his or her area, not a beginner. Some have prestigious awards for their accomplishments, and all have professional samples that speak for a long career of solid experience.
Note: If you have need of a special piece of artwork that I must supply, or something other than what I offer in my basic prices, please be aware that you might incur extra charges and/or extend the deadline by however long it might take to execute. In fact, my prices for add-on services are commensurate with my “cheap” philosophy and I’ll be happy to give you a cheap quote at any time. Either way, I’ll always inform you of these things before I begin. Whatever I fail to mention here will ultimately arise when we have our initial telephone conversation and I will follow up any agreed upon variations with an email stating same, so that there is no misunderstanding between us. If you stay within the guidelines of the basic prices I quote, that’s all you will pay, not one penny more. I want you as a return customer and will bend over backwards to satisfy your needs and make your project a success. Important: My prices are for the creative makeup and anything else we agree to do, and do not include any charges you incur directly from the publications that print your ad or from the stations that broadcast them. But one thing’s for certain, you can run your ad as many times as you can afford without ever paying me an agency commission!
HOW IT ALL WORKS: I try to answer the most frequently asked questions here.
I know how to converse on advertising matters and I know that my flat rate prices are extremely low and more than fair, but in order to get the work most times, I have to lay out a plan of action for you, which always includes a lot of creative ideas and information outlining what I intend to do for you and why. In fact, my site offers unlimited consultation by phone or email. So after just one or several of these sessions that could add up to hours, I feel that I am giving you a wealth of information, creative ideas, encouragement, and guidance that you didn't possess before we met. That's my good faith contribution to our working partnership and yours would be to honor my policy and pay me at time of order.
I have a a few sites built up over years on the internet that show you a lot of personal samples in so many categories, just to reassure you that I am up to the task in a variety of mediums. In my long career in advertising I have experienced clients who have suffered a number of personal emergencies, including economic upheavals affecting their businesses, and other factors that arise to compromise their ability or willingness to pay for what I have done to that point or what I have done on a completed project. Although I am always sympathetic to someone's unfortunate situation, I cannot work and wonder if I'll become part of it, therefore, for those reasons I have a strict policy of being paid before I begin the work.
In the beginning I was more laid back about requiring payment because I wanted work at any cost. Since then, I have proven myself to be a reliable entity and regularly get inquiries from around the country and around the globe. While most people are ethical, getting paid for a job upfront ensures that I am protected from those who are not. It's not a personal thing aimed at you; I have references that can be checked, I have been on the internet for many, many years without negative incidents, and I am no stranger to many respected industry people. I even offer you the ability to pay by PayPal as well as check. I know of no internet business that doesn't require payment before they ship, lawyers who receive retainers, cable bills, insurance and HMO invoices are all examples of payments required before receipt of services. I can be a great asset to you and your business doing what I do, all I ask is that you not give me a difficult time about my strict policy of being paid at time of order.