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Mail to: Barry Lee・22501 Chase #15212, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 I Phone: 516-510-3803 I Email: The OriginalCheapAdAgency.com@gmail.com
Here at the CheapAdAgency.com I know that certain types of businesses need to create sales circulars, journals, and newsletters on a regular basis to engage their customer base. I have participated in the design and production of all these forms, so you can rely on me to produce something unique for you that is based on experience. Most of what I have done in these areas were for a tremendous amount of automobile dealerships, a wide variety of big name department stores and retail chains, electronics firms, and all sorts of manufacturers like Regent Sheffield and Con-Tact Self Adhesive Plastic. Whatever you may need in this area I can deliver, all for a reasonable cost. I didn't remember to always get samples, but what I did happen to collect are shown to you below, along with some current work in this area. Cheap is best, and I'll prove it every time!
You can choose just to watch as the samples go by or you can hover over one with your cursor to stop the movement, then click on it to enlarge it for closer scrutiny. Use the arrows to manually go through them left and right .