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Mail to: Barry Lee・22501 Chase #15212, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 I Phone: 516-510-3803 I Email: The OriginalCheapAdAgency.com@gmail.com

Here at the CheapAdAgency.com I know that a logo goes a long way toward making a positive first impression and is essential for expressing an air of stability to all your potential customers. I can design a very impressive logo for you, one that you'll be proud to display and one that will give your business effort a big feel. I'll begin by learning all your personal preferences regarding color, what applications you have plans to apply it to, and everything else related to its function and application. I will offer you the benefit of my experience in this area by providing suggestions through all phases of the design. I can give you several layouts from which you can choose, or give you my best shot first with the promise that I will not rest until it's altered to your liking. Either way, I'm commited to your satisfaction. Take a look at some of my designs to get a sense of what I can do in this area. Cheap is best, and I'll prove it every time!
You can choose just to watch as the samples go by or you can hover over one with your cursor to stop the movement, then click on it to enlarge it for closer scrutiny. Use the arrows to manually go through them left and right .