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Mail to: Barry Lee・22501 Chase #15212, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 I Phone: 516-510-3803 I Email: The OriginalCheapAdAgency.com@gmail.com
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Here at the CheapAdAgency.com I know that a small ad agency or independent production company would benefit by what I have to offer. I can create scripts and storyboards for any type of product or service delivering a message by any broadcast means within a specified time constraint, and do it all creatively. I have better than a hundred scripts under my belt for a wide variety of projects designed for TV, Radio, Video or industrial presentations. And I've done them for my clients and a whole lot of specialty agencies. There are all kinds of possible approaches to any project, but usually budget dictates the course that one ultimately takes. Certainly your creativity shouldn't have to mimic that choice. With good, out-of-the-box thinking, even the simplest and cost sensitive production can be a winner. If you choose to use me for everything from casting thru editing, I'd be happy to participate there as well. Cheap is best, and I'll prove it every time!