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Mail to: Barry Lee・22501 Chase #15212, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 I Phone: 516-510-3803 I Email: The OriginalCheapAdAgency.com@gmail.com
Here at the CheapAdAgency.com I know that direct mail can include a variety of designs, but since I've covered things like postcards, circulars, flyers, and brochures in separate categories, I thought I'd devote this page to other items that are just a little more expensive to produce, like 11x17 and 10-panel mailers, but worth every penny for their ability to get results. Anyway you look at it, you must provide pieces that engage the recipients and most of what I show you here have been results-tested in the competitive arena of the new and used car market; so successfully that car dealership after car dealership requested it after learning how well it performed for their competition. Most all eventually adapted them for service departments as well. Take a look at samples I show you here, but know that I produced plenty more during my "car" years. Cheap is best, and I'll prove it every time!
You can choose just to watch as the samples go by or you can hover over one with your cursor to stop the movement, then click on it to enlarge it for closer scrutiny. Use the arrows to manually go through them left and right .